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Returnable Cup Guide

A blueprint for running a successful returnable cup scheme. 

Together with our partners City to Sea we’ve created a blueprint for setting up and running a successful returnable cup scheme 

This completely free to access guide has been designed to support anyone wanting to provide an alternative solution to disposable, single-use take-away coffee cups and explore circular, returnable systems – from café owners, to community groups, university campus managers, large employers, office caterers, tourist hotspots, local authority teams and everyone in between.  

We’ve spoken to more than 20 industry experts, leading reuse brands and businesses and shared our own experiences of working in this sector. Our goal is to support the transition to reuse systems at scale by enabling and empowering organisations to create impactful returnable cup schemes. So, if you’re ready for change, download the guide for everything you need to know about getting started with your returnable cup scheme – from cups, washing and logistics, to payment mechanisms and tech solutions.  

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    The Circular Returnable Cup

    Most Sustainable:

    • Made from 100% recycled content in USA and ROW
    • 100% recyclable at end of life.
    • Designed and built to last.

      Most Cost Effective​:

      • Low cost to produce
      • Excellent durability​
      • Designed to last 500+ cycles.
      • Reliably produced at scale with a simple, controllable design.  Dual sourced.

      Premium Coffee Experience:

      • Reduced wastage costs &  littering.
      • Durable, long lasting branding options.
      • Aesthetic appeal: Critical and often overlooked, to get high engagement and change behaviour.

      SMART Cup​

      • QR and/or RFID enabled with complete flexibility of tags
      • Partners in place to deliver digital cup solution